The launch of Pro Performance Sport has finally arrived. Pro Performance Sport aims to provide aspiring athletes the guidance, opportunities, and expertise to fulfill their dreams of becoming professionals in their chosen sport.

PPS Director Samuel Ramosoeu was delighted to announce the launch of the new company after many years of planning and development,
“I am very excited at the big announcement today of the launch of Pro Performance Sport. The world of professional sport is not an easy road to navigate, from my own experiences through my 15-year career as a professional footballer, I have experienced firsthand how difficult yet rewarding this type of career path can be”
Ramosoeu went on to explain the need for aspiring athletes to have the support network of an experienced management agency to provide direction and secure the best opportunities available,
“with only a very small percentage of athletes ever making it as professionals, having the right people around you who know what you are going through is an important element of success. Furthermore having a management team who can find the right opportunities and utilize the best networks can be the difference between a long and successful professional career or wondering what could have been”

Pro Performance Sport will operate throughout Africa scouting for the best sporting talent the continent offers. With strong relationships (primarily in football) through Europe, New Zealand Australia, and China, PPS aims to go where no management agency has before by unleashing the talent of Africa across the world!